Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hard Disk Space Mapper

Ya I know that there are so many tools which scan your hard drive and show the space in terms of pie charts or other visual aids. Why another . Good Question
Do the tools you have show the entire hard disk in one screen I guess not. I mean you have to go through levels to see detials of usage of every folder and in the process you will lose the comparison to another folder or file.
This is where SequoiaView plays its part a small yet very effective tool.Which shows the entire drive in one view.View the map below.

By Viewing this map one can easily find the culprits in a drive. This even scans application data folder, system volume informtaion and local settings on there is no where the data can hide.

This tool can be downloaded at (453KB)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Copy paste 2.0 a.k.a ClipX

Clipx is a great tool which is light on memory and great in productivity. It is basically a clipboard which is archived. You could save upto 500 ctrl+c/v including screenshots. So you could take screenshots in fps and capture screens in fractions of a second interval. 
It also offers you to save your current clipboard and load it back. So its a backup of all you cut and copy data. From a programmer's point of view its God sent. Just copy a program before you make changes and then restore it right from your clip board.
Experience it and leave your comments for others to benefit from it.

You could download this tool from..(129KB)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Introduction / Preview of things to come..

I have always wanted a topic to blog on and after contemplating for a year I found it.This is something I really feel passionate about.
I wanted a platform where hidden gems get another window to this vast world. I have so many tools , utilities , window tweaks etc to share. But every journey has to start with a step.
This blog is dedicated to one and all who find this useful.